Non-Ionic Pam - Water Treatment Chemicals

Anionic Polyacrylamide Chemicals Flocculant Water Treatment

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Anionic /Cationic Emulsion Polyacrylamide

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Nonionic Polyacrylamide Flocculant - Sinoloc Supplier

Anionic Polymer Flocculant & Polyacrylamide Powder | Sinofloc

  • What is PHPA mud system?
  • SPE Drill Eng 7 (03): 191–199. Mud systems with partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide polymer (PHPA) are used worldwide and have proved effective and versatile for inhibiting troublesome shale formations. We made significant changes in the generally recommended compositions for these systems and developed a systematic approach to applying them.
  • Can you drill cement with PHPA mud?
  • Do not drill cement with PHPA muds, unless the system will be replaced after drilling out, because PHPA muds are sensitive to high pH, especially in the presence of high calcium levels. If drilling cement with a PHPA system is unavoidable, pretreat the system with 0.251bmlbbl [0.7 kg/m3] sodium bicarbonate.
  • Does encapsulation of cutting particles based on PHPA polymers prevent flocculation?
  • Conclusions The effective encapsulation of cutting particles suspended in drilling fluids based on PHPA polymers severely limits (if not prevents) subsequent flocculation by dosing similar anionic flocculants.
  • How much polyacrylate de-flocculant should I add to PHPA mud?
  • Add about 0.25 to 0.5 lbm/bbl [0.7 to 1.4 kg/m3] of polyacrylate de-flocculant to the premixed mud, when pre-hydrating bentonite or adding barite, to minimize viscosity fluctuations in the active system. Enhance the inhibitive quality of PHPA muds with 4 to 8 lbm/bbl [11 to 23 kg/m3] Gilsonite to seal shale micro-fractures.