Polyacrylamide(PAM) water treatment agent

Anionic polyacrylamide used for all kinds of wastewater

Water Treatment Chemicals - Polyacrylamide Manufacturer

Apam Flocculant Treat industrial Wastewater and Mining

Anionic Polyacrylamide Chemicals Flocculant Water Treatment

Sludge Dewatering Pressing Chemicals Anionic Polyacrylamide

China SGS Quality Superfloc Polyacrylamide PAM for Water

  • What is cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM)?
  • Cationic polyacrylamides (CPAMs) are widely utilized due to their excellent performance in flocculation and sludge dewatering [ 2 ]. Numerous studies have been conducted on CPAM synthesis technologies, including grafting, free radical polymerization, and polymer modification [ 3 ].
  • Are CPAM emulsions cationic?
  • This approach overcomes the drawbacks of traditional optimization methods. We successfully synthesized three CPAM emulsions with a wide range of cationic degrees: low (21.85%), medium (40.25%), and high (71.17%) levels of cationic degree.
  • What are cationic polyacrylamide copolymers (PAMS)?
  • Keywords: Transformation, Sludge-amended soil, Outdoor lysimeter study Cationic polyacrylamide copolymers (PAMs) are a group of water-soluble polymers with a wide range of applications in industry, food processing, agriculture and waste management.
  • What factors affect the flocculation effect of cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM)?
  • Cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM) is a commonly used flocculant for water treatment. Factors that affect the flocculation effect and can be controlled manually include the type and dosage of CPAM, wastewater pH, stirring time and settling time, and their reasonable setting is critical to the flocculation effect of CPAM.