Sewage Treatment Nonionic Polyacrylamide -

Polyacrylamide Pam on sales - water

Polyacrylamide(PAM) water treatment agent

Oil Industrial Drilling Chemical Pam Nonionic Polyacrylamide

What is nonionic flocculant?what is the application

Raw Water Treatment Chemicals Anionic Flocculant Pam

Polyacrylamide Market Share - Price Trends, Industry Size

  • Where can I find more information about our Chlorine & chemical dosing systems?
  • If you would like more information about our chlorine and chemical dosing systems and how we can supply your business in Australia, speak to our team at MAK Water by calling 1300 669 032, or send us an enquiry today. Our MAK Water chlorine & chemical dosing systems are designed to automatically adjust & maintain the pH level of raw water.
  • What is chlorine dioxide?
  • Chlorine Dioxide has the chemical formula ClO 2 and is a yellow to brown coloured gas at room temperature and pressure. It is a highly reactive oxidant and for all practical areas of water disinfection, it must be generated on site using proprietary reaction and dosing equipment.
  • What is chlorine dioxide used for?
  • Chlorine Dioxide is ideal for water disinfection for potable consumption; food and beverage applications involving water for washing and as an ingredient and industrial water circuits for bacterial, slime and biofilm control. Potable water disinfection produces no THM’s and very low AOX. ClO 2 is pH independent and generated on site.
  • Where should chlorine dioxide be dosed in a water treatment plant?
  • Chlorine Dioxide can be dosed at the front end of a water treatment plant e.g. before clarification or sand filters and the ferric oxide will either settle out or be captured in the sand filter bed. Thus, it is removed and problems such as brown staining of clothes and bacterial regrowth will be avoided.