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  • What factors affect the flocculation effect of cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM)?
  • Cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM) is a commonly used flocculant for water treatment. Factors that affect the flocculation effect and can be controlled manually include the type and dosage of CPAM, wastewater pH, stirring time and settling time, and their reasonable setting is critical to the flocculation effect of CPAM.
  • Does tpamd have good flocculation effect on water plant sludge?
  • TPAMD had good flocculation effect on water plant sludge. The cationic microblock structure of TPAMD could greatly improve the charge neutralization, electrical patching, and adsorption bridging effects, and it was a benefit to form a large and dense floc structure (d 50 = 379.8 μm, D f =1.51).
  • How effective is PAMC flocculation in turbid water clarification?
  • Chemical and morphology structures of PAMC were characterized and analyzed. Flocculation performance and kinetics were investigated in highly turbid water clarification. Most effective flocculation occurred at pH 4 with the flocculant which contained the highest cationic content.
  • Can cationic polyacrylamide be used for oily wastewater treatment?
  • Zhao C, Zheng H, Gao B, Liu Y, Zhai J, Zhang S, Xu B (2018) Ultrasound-initiated synthesis of cationic polyacrylamide for oily wastewater treatment: Enhanced interaction between the flocculant and contaminants.