Viscosifiers - The Drill Shop - Quality Dimatec Drilling

AMC CR 650™ - AMC Drilling Optimisation

Product Applications Cross Reference

Drilling Polymer Phpa Dry Similar To Ezmud Dp,Poly-plus Rd

Polymer-based Drilling Fluids - National Driller

AMC CR-650 - Allbutt Mining Supplies

post processing - Drilling 3D-printed plastic - 3D Printing

  • What factors affect the flocculation effect of cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM)?
  • Cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM) is a commonly used flocculant for water treatment. Factors that affect the flocculation effect and can be controlled manually include the type and dosage of CPAM, wastewater pH, stirring time and settling time, and their reasonable setting is critical to the flocculation effect of CPAM.
  • Is cationic polyacrylamide emulsion a flocculant for paper mill wastewater treatment?
  • " Cationic polyacrylamide emulsion with ultra-high concentration as a flocculant for paper mill wastewater treatment ," BioRes. 15 (2), 3173-3189. Cationic polyacrylamide emulsions prepared with ultra-high concentration (CPAME-uhc) have the advantages of fast dissolution, convenient operation, and low transportation cost.
  • Does polyacrylamide structure affect flocculation of bentonite clay?
  • Shaikh and coworkers studied the effect of polyacrylamide structure on the flocculation of bentonite clay. 208 Using turbidity as a powerful measure, they compared flocculations using cationic, anionic, and amphoteric polyacrylamides of varying molecular weights.
  • Which cationic polymer has the best flocculation efficiency?
  • The PAmPTAC polymer had an optimal dose at 252 mg/g dry biomass. The difference in flocculation efficiency between two polymers is likely due to the differences in molecular weight. In the flocculation process by cationic polymers, charge neutralization of microalgal cells initiates floc formation.