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Polyacrylamide Used in Sludge Treatment - Sinofloc Chemical

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Polyacrylamide for Industrial Wastewater Treatment

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Polyacrylamide in waste water treatment sludge dewatering

  • What is polyacrylamide (PAM) used for?
  • npj Clean Water 1, Article number: 17 ( 2018 ) Cite this article High molecular weight (10 6 –3 × 10 7 Da) polyacrylamide (PAM) is commonly used as a flocculant in water and wastewater treatment, as a soil conditioner, and as a viscosity modifier and friction reducer in both enhanced oil recovery and high volume hydraulic fracturing.
  • Does Pam solvated with Fe 3+ release acrylamide?
  • It was found that PAM solvated with Fe 3+ generated ppb levels of acrylamide after exposure to sunlight under acidic conditions (pH 6). They concluded that release of acrylamide would be insignificant at low levels of iron (<0.02 mg/L) under alkaline (7.5–8.5) conditions.
  • Where is Pam used in water treatment & sludge dewatering?
  • PAM used as a flocculant in water treatment or sludge dewatering is disposed in high-solid biogas digestors or landfills. 94 Although PAM is typically considered to be relatively recalcitrant to organic decomposition, 95 it can be degraded during anaerobic digestion.
  • Can FTIR spectroscopy detect ketone and aldehyde in mechanically degraded Pam?
  • Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) have been used to identify specific functional groups; ketone, aldehyde, and carboxylic groups have all been reported in chemically, photolytically, and thermally degraded PAM. To the best of our knowledge, mechanically degraded PAM has not been chemically analyzed.