Powder Nonion Polyacrylamide / Nonion PAM NPAM for coal washing

Powder Nonion Polyacrylamide / Nonion PAM NPAM for coal washing

Chemicals Used In Coal Washing, Chemicals Used In Coal

Investigation of Flocculation Mechanism of Coal Preparation

An evaluation procedure for flocculation of coal preparation

Water- soluble high polymer / Nonion PAM NPAM for coal washing

thickener agent ore - bsgsa.be

  • What is acrylamide/sodium acrylate copolymer?
  • 1. BACKGROUND Acrylamide/sodium acrylate copolymer is a sodium salt of a polymer consisting of acrylic acid, methacrylic acid or one of their simple esters. Acrylates are a family of polymers which are a type of vinyl polymer.
  • How is polyacrylamide-CO-sodium acrylate prepared?
  • If you have previously obtained access with your personal account, please log in. Polyacrylamide-co-sodium acrylate has been prepared via copolymerization of acrylamide and acrylic acid, or the hydrolysis of a pre-formed nonionic polymer. Both macromolecules had a charge of 24 mol% with a molar mass of 25 million g/mol.
  • What is acrylate copolymer?
  • Acrylate copolymer is a general term for copolymers of two or more monomers consisting of acrylic acid, methacrylic acid or one of their simple esters. Based largely on its high molecular weight, acrylamide/sodium acrylate copolymer are not expected to bioaccumulate or bioconcentrate.
  • Is acrylamide/sodium acrylate copolymer biodegradable?
  • Acrylamide/sodium acrylate copolymer is not readily biodegradable; thus it meets the screening criteria for persistence. Acrylamide/sodium acrylate copolymer is expected to have a very high molecular weight and poor water solubility. It is not expected to be bioavailable.