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anionic polyacrylamide - Wholesalers, Suppliers of anionic

Anionic Polyacrylamide PAM and Cationic Polyacrylamide PAM

  • Is Apam-t a novel anionic polyacrylamide?
  • APAM-T is a novel anionic polyacrylamide which has been successfully synthesized by ultrasonic initiated template copolymerization. Characterization results showed the evidence of the microblock structure’s existence and the enhancement of copolymerization degree by adding the template.
  • Can UV-initiated template polymerization prepare a novel anionic polyacrylamide with a microblock structure?
  • Received 7th May 2017 , Accepted 26th May 2017 Ultraviolet (UV)-initiated template polymerization (UTP) was used as a feasible strategy to prepare a novel anionic polyacrylamide (APAM) with a microblock structure.
  • Are Apam polymers toxic?
  • EOR polymers, including APAM, are generally assumed to be relatively nontoxic ( Biesinger and Stokes, 1986; Bolto and Gregory, 2007 ). However, data on impacts on aquatic species, especially marine species are very limited.
  • Is Apam a uniform polymer?
  • The polyacrylamide is a uniform and unitary polymer. PAM has a neat smooth surface as its SEM images unfold at 2500x and 4000x. However, the surface of APAM was much rougher. Hills and valleys could be observed in its SEM images due to the interaction of chemical groups between AM and SAS.