Anionic Poly-Acrylamide (aPAM)

Linear Polyacrylamide, Linear Polyacrylamide Suppliers

What is Polyacrylamide? SNF

Linear Acrylamide (5 mg/ml) (1 ml Tube) Thermo Fisher

PHPA Partially Hydrolyzed Polyacrylamide Suppliers

Acrylamide manufacturer, Polyacrylamide supplier

Synthesis, Characterization, and Flocculation Properties

  • Can MBBR be used to treat synthetic wastewater?
  • Zafarzadeh et al. ( 2010) came out with a study using MBBR based on anoxic and aerobic reactors for the treatment of synthetic wastewater containing glucose and ammonium filled with 40 and 50% (v/v) with K1 biofilm carriers, respectively.
  • What is moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR)?
  • Moving bed biofilm reactor ( MBBR) is a type of wastewater treatment process that was first invented by Professor Hallvard Ødegaard at Norwegian University of Science and Technology in the late 1980s. The process takes place in an aeration tank with plastic carriers that a biofilm can grow on.
  • What is MBBR wastewater treatment?
  • The MBBR is a wastewater treatment method based on biofilms that is currently being used in over fifty countries. It was invented in Norway between 1980s and 1990s.124 The MBBR plants have been a huge success and are employed for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment.
  • Is MBBR a suitable system for nutrient recovery from urban wastewater?
  • Resource recovery from urban wastewater to promote shift towards a circular economy. Pilot and full-scale studies show MBBR as suitable system for treated wastewater reuse. Numerous methods developed for nutrient recovery from WWTP’s effluents.