Industrial Air Treatment with Activated Carbon

Activated Charcoal Water Treatment Unit |

Carbon filtration- Learn Chemistry -

Industrial Activated Carbon Water Filters - Pure Aqua, Inc.

Activated Charcoal for Water Purification

Activated Carbon From Homemade Charcoal

Filtration Equipment - General Carbon Corporation

  • Why are cationic polyelectrolytes important?
  • They play an important role in treatment of waste water by flocculating or precipitating suspended solids for their efficient removal. Our Cationic Polyelectrolytes are water soluble in nature which makes them suitable for use in a wide variety of applications. We will help you optimize polymer dosing by performing a ‘jar test’.
  • Who is bluwat chemicals?
  • Bluwat Chemicals - A top water treatment chemicals manufacturer with 20+ years of experience. Offers high-quality Water Decoloring Agent, Polyaluminium Chloride, polyacrylamide, polyamine, polydadmac, and other coagulants&flocculants, and more to solve global water treatment challenges. Trust Bluwat for reliable and effective solutions.
  • Are cationic polyelectrolytes water soluble?
  • Our Cationic Polyelectrolytes are water soluble in nature which makes them suitable for use in a wide variety of applications. We will help you optimize polymer dosing by performing a ‘jar test’. Our laboratories are equipped with viscometers and charge analyzers. We can customize our products, based on your charge and weight requirements.
  • Which chemistries are used in organic coagulants?
  • Organic formulations are based on the following chemistries: PolyAMINEs and PolyDADMACs and PolyDCDAs – The most widely used organic coagulants, which are cationic in nature and function by charge neutralization alone. Cationic coagulants neutralise the negative charge of colloids and form a spongy mass called microflocs.