China Flocculant PAM Used in Mining Waste Water Treatment

cationic polyacrylamide(flocculant,pam)used for industrial

China cationic polyacrylamide for water treatment

China cationic polyacrylamide for water treatment

China Flocculant Polyacrylamide Used for Petrochemical

China Chemical Wastewater Polyacrylamide Suppliers

China Npam Nonionic Polyacrylamide for Sewage Treatment

  • Are bio-based renewable chemicals better than cationic polyacrylamide?
  • Conclusions The study hypothesized that bio-based renewable chemicals, including cationic starch and cellulose nanofibrils, are superior over synthesized cationic polyacrylamide for improving the bagasse pulp and paper key properties.
  • Are bio-based carbohydrate chemicals better than synthetic cationic polyacrylamide?
  • Therefore, based on the structural similarity of cationic starch and nanocellulose to the cellulosic pulp fibers, this study hypothesized that the bio-based carbohydrate chemicals would perform better than synthetic cationic polyacrylamide on critical properties of bagasse pulp and paper; both with the sole and combined applications.
  • Which polyacrylamide has the highest flocculation efficiency for paper mill wastewater treatment?
  • Measured polyacrylamide effectiveness was based on turbidity redn., total suspended solids (TSS) removal, and COD redn. The cationic polyacrylamide, Organopol 5415, with very high mol. wt. and low charge d. had the highest flocculation efficiency for paper mill wastewater treatment.
  • Can polyacrylamide be used to treat pulp and paper mill wastewater?
  • It achieved 95% turbidity redn., 98% TSS removal, 93% COD redn., and sludge vol. index (SVI) of 14 mL/g at an optimum dose of 5 mg/L. SVI values <70 mL/g were detd. for all polyacrylamides at their resp. optimum dose. Based on a cost evaluation, polyacrylamide use is economically feasible for treating pulp and paper mill wastewater.