Polyacrylamide,Sodium Hydroxide,Industry Water Treatment-BV

Polyacrylamide Pam on sales - water

Water Treatment Chemicals - Polyacrylamide Manufacturer

Acrylamide in Drinking-water - who.int

Anionic Polyacrylamide APAM Polymers Water Treatment Chemicals



  • What is Pam used for in water treatment?
  • PAM is also widely used as a flocculant in drinking water treatment (at concentrations <1 mg/L). 37 PAM can create bridges between destabilized particles, forming micron-size aggregates with good settling properties. 38 Cationic, nonionic, and anionic PAM have all been studied for flocculation.
  • Where is Pam used in water treatment & sludge dewatering?
  • PAM used as a flocculant in water treatment or sludge dewatering is disposed in high-solid biogas digestors or landfills. 94 Although PAM is typically considered to be relatively recalcitrant to organic decomposition, 95 it can be degraded during anaerobic digestion.
  • What is Pam water purification & how does it work?
  • In the process of purifying drinking water, PAM serves as a purification agent, aiding in the removal of suspended solids, organic matter, and color from water. It enhances filtration efficiency, ensuring safe and hygienic drinking water.
  • What is anionic polyacrylamide (PAM)?
  • Anionic polyacrylamide (PAM) possesses interconnected and active groups that establish robust bonds with the surface of suspended colloids, promoting the formation of coarse particles among the suspended solids and a mixture of insoluble particles in water (Irfan et al. 2017 ).