Cationic polyacrylamide used for municipal sewage treatment

Wastewater Used Cationic Polyacrylamide|Industrial|Municipal

Polyacrylamide for wastewater treatment

Flocculant (Pam,polyacrylamide)for wastewater treatment

Polymers for Water Clarification - treating water and wastewater

Cationic Polyacrylamide Flocculant/ Powder - Sinofloc Supplier

Flocculation Polymer Blufloc Cationic Polyacrylamide

  • Which country has opened a new dry polymer production plant?
  • SINGAPORE (ICIS)–Kemira has opened a new dry polymer production plant in Ulsan, South Korea, the Finland-based producer said on Thursday.
  • What is acrylamide used for?
  • Acrylamide is an intermediate in the production of many organic chemicals. Most uses rely on production of polyacrylamide. Common applications include use in enhanced oil recovery, pulp and paper processing, mineral processing, production of dyes and adhesives, cosmetics, and laboratory research (electrophoresis) (ATSDR, 2012; NCBI, 2022).
  • Is acrylamide used in water treatment?
  • Domestic production relies on supply of acrylonitrile, a petroleum-derived compound. None. Acrylamide is not used directly in water treatment. Acrylamide is the primary input for production of polyacrylamides, which are used in water treatment as coagulants and dewatering agents. Water treatment is a primary use of polyacrylamides.
  • Does acrylamide have a duty on imports?
  • There is a 3.7% general duty on imports of acrylamide and a 25% additional duty on imports from China (USITC, 2022b), as summarized in Table 3. There were repeated shortages of the primary raw ingredient of acrylamide, acrylonitrile, between 2000 and 2020 (Tullo, 2021).