Properties of Polyacrylamides

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  • What are the different types of polyacrylamide (PAM)?
  • Polyacrylamide (PAM) is a kind of linear water-soluble polymer, which is the most commonly used water treatment agent in our sewage treatment! In our practical application, PAM can be divided into cationic, anionic and non-ionic three types. How to choose these three types of PAM, we should start from the differences! Structural differences
  • Are cationic polyacrylamides better than anionic polyamides?
  • They suggested that cationic polyacrylamides (PAM) produced floc aggregates with larger size, greater shear-resistant ability and higher regrowth capacity than anionic one, arising from the contribution of charge neutralization and bridging effects , , .
  • How strong is a cationic Pam compared to a nonionic Pam?
  • Besides, the average of maturated floc strength factor for cationic PAM (77 %) was somewhat greater than that for either anionic or nonionic PAMs (both ≈ 69 %).
  • Does Pam degradation affect flocculant performance?
  • PAM-based flocculant degradation has been mainly studied for PAMs in aqueous solutions. The degradation of PAMs results in a reduction of the molecular weight of the polymer and can adversely affect the performance of such aqueous solutions in their commercial application as flocculants.