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  • What is a decentralized wastewater treatment system in Thailand?
  • In Thailand, Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems (DEWATs) are usually comprised of on-site and clustered systems. However, the size of community or area of catchment is not specifically defined for clustered systems so there is no specific definition of DEWATs.
  • How is faecal sludge treated in Thailand?
  • Box 1. Good practice in Thailand: Case of Nonthaburi A treatment plant with capacity to treat 40 m3 of faecal sludge (FS) per day, serving roughly half the population of the municipality of Nonthaburi, uses anaerobic tanks (30 tanks), sludge drying beds (30 beds) and an oxidation pond (one pond) to transform FS into organic fertilizer.
  • How dewatering and drying technology can reduce sewage sludge volume?
  • Dewatering and drying technology play significant roles in minimizing sludge volume, facilitating transportation, increasing calorific value and reducing the leachate production in landfill sites. Various new technologies are emerging and existing ones are always evolving because of sharp growth of sewage sludge in the last decade.
  • What is sludge treatment?
  • This sludge treatment is used for Wastewater Treatment Plant from communities, municipalities, industrials and used for sludge from Water Treatment Plant. 1) Wastewater Treatment from Communities Most wastewater from Thailand’s communities has organic substances in the water resources, which has BOD at 100 milligrams per liter.