Waterproofing, Construction Chemicals Manufacturers

Acrylic Polymers for Construction Chemicals in Mumbai, India

Waterproofing chemicals and construction chemicals

REDWOP Construction Chemicals,Tiles Adhesive Manufacturer

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  • What is the polyacrylamide market?
  • The polyacrylamide market consists of sales of polyacrylamide by entities (organizations, sole traders, and partnerships) that manufacture polyacrylamide. It is a synthetic resin produced by polymerizing acrylamide, particularly a water-soluble polymer used to stabilize or form gels, and can be used as clarifying or thickening agent.
  • Who are the major players in the polyacrylamide market?
  • Major players in the polyacrylamide market are BASF SE, Kemira OYJ, SNF Floerger Group, Anhui Jucheng Fine Chemicals Co. Ltd, Solvay, Solenis, Ashland Inc., Xitao Polymer Co Ltd, Daqing Petrochemical Company, and Envitech Chemical Specialities Pvt. Ltd.
  • How big is the polyacrylamide market in 2026?
  • The market is expected to grow to $6.37 billion in 2026 at a CAGR of 7.1%. The polyacrylamide market consists of sales of polyacrylamide by entities (organizations, sole traders, and partnerships) that manufacture polyacrylamide.
  • Why is polyacrylamide production increasing?
  • Polyacrylamide production will be increased by 20,000 metric tons a year to serve mining customers in Asia Pacific SNF plans to increase its global capacity for powder-grade polyacrylamide by 75,000 metric tons (t) each year by the end of 2020, primarily to meet increased demand for the substance in the recovery of oil from old wells.