What is polyacrylamide? - Polyacrylamide for drag reduction

Polyacrylamide in Oilfield - Sinofloc Chemical

anionic polyacrylamide(PHPA polymer)used for oil drilling

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Partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide(flocculant) used in oil

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  • What is white PAC chemical?
  • They are white 30% PAC for drinking water treatment, light yellow PAC 30% for drinking water and yellow PAC 28% for industrial waste water. The raw materials of white PAC chemical are high-quality aluminum hydroxide powder and hydrochloric acid, and the production process is the most advanced technology spray drying method.
  • What are the raw materials of yellow Pac?
  • The raw materials of yellow PAC are aluminum hydroxide powder, hydrochloric acid, and a little calcium aluminate powder. The production process is drum drying or spray tower drying.
  • What are the raw materials of Pac chemical?
  • The raw materials of white PAC chemical are high-quality aluminum hydroxide powder and hydrochloric acid, and the production process is the most advanced technology spray drying method. The raw materials of yellow PAC are aluminum hydroxide powder, hydrochloric acid, and a little calcium aluminate powder.
  • What are the properties of Pac coagulant?
  • PAC coagulant has good water solubility. During the dissolution process, it is accompanied by a series of physical and chemical reactions such as electrochemistry, coagulation, adsorption and precipitation.