Flocculants and Coagulants - Anionic Polyacrylamide

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  • Is cationic polyacrylamide emulsion a flocculant for paper mill wastewater treatment?
  • " Cationic polyacrylamide emulsion with ultra-high concentration as a flocculant for paper mill wastewater treatment ," BioRes. 15 (2), 3173-3189. Cationic polyacrylamide emulsions prepared with ultra-high concentration (CPAME-uhc) have the advantages of fast dissolution, convenient operation, and low transportation cost.
  • Why is cationic polyacrylamide important?
  • Because of its wide application, it is an important synthetic water-soluble polymer. Traditional cationic polyacrylamide powder products have many problems associated with their application, such as difficulty of dissolving, slow dissolution speed, and the need for large dissolution equipment, etc.
  • Can cationic polyacrylamide be used for oily wastewater treatment?
  • Zhao C, Zheng H, Gao B, Liu Y, Zhai J, Zhang S, Xu B (2018) Ultrasound-initiated synthesis of cationic polyacrylamide for oily wastewater treatment: Enhanced interaction between the flocculant and contaminants.
  • Can cationic polyacrylamide emulsions with ultra-high concentration save transportation costs?
  • Cationic polyacrylamide emulsions with ultra-high concentration (CPAME-uhc) can obviously save transportation costs, but their molecular weight, solubility, and temperature/salt resistance need to be further improved. Therefore, this study attempted to improve the molecular weight of CPAME-uhc by optimizing the preparation conditions.